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Brotherhood Codex Edition Unlocker Portable

In Tomb of Tyrants, Prophecy is an optional(but somehow mandatorial to some extent) sidequest which bestows tyrants with the authority to use additional floors, items and minions when it is successfully fulfilled. However, not every prophecy is beneficial. It will sometimes give you ordeals by sending more powerful and various heroes into your tomb. These 'prophecies' add more diversities as players make progress in the game and thus give replay value to the game. At first, all the prophecies remain as 'un-identified' state.

Assassins creed brotherhood codex edition

Those prophecies should be identified first by buliding certain floor(or floors), and then it can be successively fulfilled by completing its goals. You might encounter and fulfill many prophecies naturally without much efforts until mid-stage of the gameplay. But, as you progress further, identification of the remaining prophecies gradually becomes harder and harder because it is essentially the guessing game which you have to choose the exact solution among plenty of possibilities. When there are a few prophecies left, you can find discovering those prophecies becomes finding a needle in a haystack. I also put a lot of efforts to discover every single prophecy presented in the game(it was really enjoyable, indeed:-)) and I want to share the result with you here through this guide.

This guide will present you the whole list of the prophecies and its corresponding identification requisites. Before getting into the chart, I think I should rather inform you first about few things on prophecy. Currently, there are total 114 prophecies in the game. 2017.11.24c).

Ac Brotherhood Codex Edition


Assassins Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition

In order to identify veiled prophecies, you need to satisfy its requisites by building certain floor or floors(with holding certain item in rare occasions), that is/are pre-defined for each prophecy. When the prophecy revealed, it immediately turned into 'active' state and its goal will be marked at main screen.

In active state, you can see what kind of new stuff it will unlock at 'prophecies' section in the Codex as follow. If you fail to fulfuil the prophecy you identified, it reverts back to 'inactive' state and you need to satisfy its requisites again in order to reactivate them. But, fortunately, once you identify the prophecy, its information is recorded in the Codex, and you can see what exact conditions are needed to be satisfied through the Codex as below. Maximum of two Prophecies can be activated at once. If requisites for more than 2 new prophecies are met while continuing your run, only the first 2 of them are identified & activated and identification of the remains get suspended until you complete the previous one. Let's get to the chart.


There were several changes to unlock requirements-mostly to the objectives, but some alterations to prerequisites-in the last update, and Dire Deliveries now depends upon the Shady Shop and the Formidable Forge, which makes it a slightly later unlock. I'm afraid there will be some more restructuring coming as I prepare for the next beta; I'll want to improve the natural progression towards the new late-game content, while making sure that there is a good 'spread' of unlocks for different build paths. Sorry for making guide maintenance such a hassle; I will try to keep notes for you and post them here from now on. As the five-month beta period is finally finished and its contents are successfully implemented in stardard version, I updated this guide aligning with the new grand update.

Here is the change log. 6 new prophecies were added. Avaricious Aviary, Beckoning Bath, Prehistoric Park, Hulking Hill, Execrable Eggsac, Festering Feast 3 items are now unlocked by default, and thus its prophecies were removed. Adamantiserum, Curative Cordial, Quicksilver Quaff Some prophecies' requisites and rewards were slighly changed. Barren Barrows now requires Catacombs + Camp, instead of Catacombs + Camp/Lair.

Baleful Bonehoard now requires Catacombs + Grotto/Warrens, instead of Bonehoard + Grotto/Warrens. Baleful Bonehoard now only produces Skeleton Archer (not Archer/Warrior). Skeleton Warrior now unlocks with the Necrotic Nexus prophecy. Now, maximum of 2(not 3 anymore) prophecies can be activated at once.